Help » maintaining your profile

You create & maintain your own content.

We may make changes or ask you to amend it in the case of the following:


Content unrelated to your role as a counsellor (eg. I also do Reiki healing).


Claims that can't reasonably be substantiated (eg. the best practitioner in the South East).

Ethical and legal

Promises that could breach ethics or the law (eg. I offer complete confidentiality).


Repeating the same details in different parts of the content - including repetitions of explicitly listed items eg. "Hi, I'm Jane", "you can contact me at".

If you only have one practice location, you can't list it as being in multiple places.

Sign-on and sign-off messages

Eg. "Welcome to my page" at the start of your profile or in search results, or "Best wishes, Fred" at the end.

Content in the wrong place

Eg. listing your qualifications as part of your surname, or a title as part of your first name; descriptive information in your address "near to bus routes", or not putting your real name in the "first name" and "surname" fields.

Lists of items

These may be converted into bullet-pointed lists if not already. Place-holders like "the list is endless" or "etc" will be removed where it's not clear to clients what they stand in for.

Group v Individual profiles

Group profiles (including agencies) should be about the group practice; personal profiles should be about you.

Abbreviations and names

These may be amended where non-standard, eg. N.H.S. for NHS.


Your uploaded image must be a head-and-shoulders photo of you.

It should be reasonably displayable image in a 120 x 160 (width x height) window.

We may crop or resize it to meet the above requirements.

Writing for search engines, not people

Eg. "London BPS Chartered Counselling Psychologist Counsellor UKCP Psychotherapist Psychotherapy London European Certified"

Inconsistent perspectives

Eg. Fred has over 20 years experience. I have worked in agency settings ....

Web or email addresses

The website address you supply must point to your own counselling-practice website, or to a group/agency that you work in.

If your website link is unavailable for more than three days, we may ask you to remove it temporarily from your profile, as a professional courtesy to users to the site.

If you put web or email addresses in your profile's free-text sections, they may be removed.

Out of date content

Eg. I will not be taking on new clients before May 2009

Unusual, ungrammatical or poor quality text

You should write in sentences, and avoid abbreviations that aren't likely to be understood by your clients.

Ericksonian techniques such as embedded commands (if you decide to Call Me Now, then ...) or capitalisation (first session is FREE) are not allowed.

Quotation marks may be removed from terms which aren't actually quotes eg. I am a "humanistic" practitioner working at the "Rogers Centre".

Excessive capitalisation of ordinary words ("Many of our Counsellors also provide Individual Sessions in a Voluntary Capacity.") may be modified.